Managed Forex Accounts for savvy Investors

MOBIC +135.2% within last 30 DAYS – Now you can join the game too!


1. in all my updates I  mention my favorite 5 coins (managed by DECENOMY of which Yieldnodes is part). Now they all got more traction within the last 30 days, above all MOBIC besides DASHD, the Mobility coin where we wait to get new use-cases announced soon.
Obviously, insiders started buying it up. Given the relatively small market cap doubling or tripling within days or weeks will be no big thing. I can only remember what happened with SAPP last year which went like x20 within a few months.
2. In his update 4 weeks ago Steve( CEO) mentioned this: Guide to Masternoding!

A guide is in the works that will explain how you can masternode Decenomy coins yourself. It will be less technical than previously and give you more control over your finances. By masternoding yourself in addition to YieldNodes managing your nodes, you’ll be learning as well as growing.

He might explain getting set up with which I found a bit complicated – what I use is which is fully connected with where you can buy the coins. Just search for an explantion-video on youtube and you will be ready to go. My small account containing  MOBIC, DASHD, Jackpot777, PNY and SAGA did x4(!) since early 2022.

So besides having maybe a bit in BTC or a few other top-coins you could have YN as your base investment plus some profits put into such coins. Over a year x10 or even x 20 does not seem impossible.

3. As you will not be able or have the time to read all the updates I have put them into  – just scroll a bit and you can check all head-lines and content. I always try to be relevant and helpful. I hope you like my updates.

4. Haha I never forget to suggest you show your account to friends and family. They will thank you.

As you can see in the members-area we are on the way to 8% net for April again.

Update: it was even 8.3% net

I wish you all the best. Never hesitate to contact me with questions or suggestions.


PS. shouldn’t forget to mention that there is some risk involved but as usual without risk no such gains.

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