Managed Forex Accounts for savvy Investors


You may have never heard of masternoding – I mean the proven real one! Yielding 2638% net over the last 35 months. Even during Corona-month March 2020, it yielded over 5% net. With a crypto-expert-COO who has run a huge BTC-mining-rig for 9 years. This is not trading!

An interesting way to earn revenue by providing technology is by providing a Masternode that runs on a proof-of-stake (PoS) base.

First and foremost, a Masternode, like any other full node, is a node server within a network. Full nodes are important because they process transactions and store them in the blockchain.

In addition, however, a Masternode operator has tasks and rights that a normal full node operator does not have. For this gets the operator high rewards.

In order to obtain the status of a Masternode, the Masternode operator must deposit a corresponding number of coins. For this and for the performance of the tasks and the provision of computing power and storage space, he receives rewards on base of the corresponding Coins (Proof-of-Stake).

However, to be a Masternode operator, you first need to deposit some coins to the network as per the minimum threshold. Most masternodes in the DECENOMY realm will supposedly receive 75% of each block reward.

Well, I hadn’t either when this company contacted me on Linkedin 2 years ago – I am so glad I took the time to study their website with FAQ and to read the White paper because it turned out to be the best offer in my 16 years (that I spent with managed forex)  I knew I had found a hidden and very profitable niche, much more secure than any trading but with better and more stable returns. And now I also know that the future is in the crypto field. I am in constant contact with the CEO who also would like to talk to you and answer your remaining questions AFTER you studied all as I did.

At you can find at the moment over 300 so-called masternode coins/tokens listed. As described in the White Paper (that I can send you upon your request) they now work with 15 such coins on 3 risk levels

Urs (COO) – the technical head behind this venture – is 55 years old and has been at home in IT for more than 35 years, most of the time as an entrepreneur and freelancer. He has extensive experience in programming, computer networking, online commerce, and online marketing. As early as 1999, he operated an online portal called using his own technology and software with one million page impressions per day.

Since 2014 he has been working with Blockchain technology. He had a larger mining farm in Ukraine during the high times of crypto mining, where he lived for nine years. From 2017 he worked on Ethereum and the programming of Dapps (Decentralized applications) and Smart Contracts. He developed a new public offering standard, the RTO (Regulated Token Offering) as a real economic alternative to ICO, STO, IEO, and IPO.

Over 27 months and lots of happy clients later that I referred to the company (and even more still sitting on the fence) they show an average monthly yield (last 33 months) of almost 10% net.

Over 35 months (beta-testing and live operation), YieldNodes generated a return of 2500% compounded for those participants – despite the Corona crisis. 

Corona caused a dent in March 2020 but they got back to normal soon after again. You can start with 500€ or USD.

Never hurts to take a look here:       RealMasternoding

Please sign-in here 

Or you sign up using one of the yellow buttons on the homepage to see the members area which lets you better understand the whole thing. No obligation! They are constantly improving it with amazing new features.

Some may consider doing this all on their own. But I can say, they take care of everything and as you are investing in master nodes together with so many others you can invest almost any amount you wish. This way there is no need for servers or hosting, coding, or command-line skills. Your investment with one of the oldest and largest master node operators will be in safe hands with their security experts and you can forget the risk of your master nodes going offline. You will make a fully passive income even with a smaller investment like 500€ min., without the need to hold the often high thresholds of master nodes. 

 Checking all details will take only 5-10 min. but will be really worth it – got investors who started with 500 and are now at 30k after they saw it in action over time. So in order to be kept updated please sign up with your name and email.
My investors made over 100% net over the last few months – with „hodling“ BTC alone they wouldn’t have made more.
Please do not hesitate to ask your questions.
Can show you my own account, and send the White Paper and a video with an interview of the CEO answering important questions.

Looking forward to working with you.
Kind regards
Juergen Bappert