Managed Forex Accounts for savvy Investors

Imagine: 52K invested over 2 years that now make YOU 20k every month net – a 38% return


making it short today!
Another one of my early investors who came in two years ago with under 3k€ but kept adding and compounding can now show this account he gave me a screenshot of – of course without his name. Please take a close look at it and compare the total amount masternoded and the total ROI – well, ROI is exactly 79% of the total which means he only invested 21% of his present fortune from his own funds. He is making around 20k€ per month from his account in returns. (Ok, due to present turmoil in the crypto market this month we only expect a „meager“ 6% which will still mean a solid 15k for this client)) This could let you look at it also this way:
as he only invested 52k€ over two years which now brings him 20k net per month he gets a 38% return on his 52k net every month after 2 years. IMAGINE!
Especially to those not yet invested it will show the power of compounding. But he also withdrew bigger amounts in between. 
And to those not even signed up, it will show what the members area looks like with „Audits “ and „Mail Archive“ on the left bottom.


In my last update, I tried to show you that due to present and still coming inflation you most likely will end up with only 8600€  after two years from 10k€ today. And with having put these 10k with you could look at 50k€ after two years calculating with a modest 7% per month only. How about that? 
You may have noticed that BTC and the whole alt-coin market it tumbling right now while DECENOMY-coins like MOBIC, and Jackpot777 or SAPP for ex. are less affected.
And Yieldnodes will even keep you from losing any money and making you a profit instead. Still remember March 2020 with BTC being super low? Masternoding made still over 5%.

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 We can expect probably „only 5-7%“ for May. No reason to complain at all. 
And I should mention that showing your account around to friends and family can yield you a one-time 5% for every investment done via your affiliate-link you can find in the members area. Only condition for earning is to be signed up but not invested yet. A hint to all those still on the fence waiting with signing-up. 

Nobody expects you to put all your funds into our masternoding offer – but a small portion would be wise I am sure. Min. is still 500€/BTC.

So may I suggest you sign up (in case you haven’t yet)  and read the CEO- updates that you find in your members area and if not ready yet at least watch it. 

You can sign up at

All the Best!
