Managed Forex Accounts for savvy Investors

Imagine: 8.6k versus 50k€ within next two years. Latest Update.


making it short today!

What do you prefer: a Europe-inflation of yearly of 7.4% (by March 22) on your cero-interest bank account or 8.3% net on your investment with for April? 

I prefer this „small“ difference of around +150% per year plus the saved loss via inflation.

BTW: while BTC lost around 11% YTD (Jan 1-May 5) Masternoding made +32% net using your BTC. 

And two years at 7.4% inflation (could become even higher) leaves you with less than 86% of your funds. Imagine.  From 10k you go to 8.6k. Even at an unlikely small 7% return on av. p.m. for the next two years, you would still end up with 50k+ instead.  8.6k versus 50k.

Call it a no-brainer or what?

Nobody expects you to put all your funds into our masternoding offer – but a small portion would be wise I am sure. Min. is still 500€/BTC.

So may I suggest you sign up (in case you haven’t yet)  and read the CEO- updates that you find in your members area and if not ready yet at least watch it. 

You can sign up at

All the Best!
