Managed Forex Accounts for savvy Investors

New Interview with our CEO and my take on it.


you probably read already Steve’s  Update and our great January result. 
Feb. 1-14th yielded 4.2% so when they keep this level we can expect a good 8+% for the whole Feb. 2022. Not a single losing month in 28.5!
Now we have a very up-to-date new Interview with Steve on Youtube:

I am afraid James (the interviewer) is not totally right when it comes to their income stream(s). There are three: Nr. 1 their core biz = masternoding „Masternodes operated: 2000-4000, Masternoding alternating with POS Staking“ as shown on their homepage in stats. Nr. 2 is masternoding of their 19 coins that they meanwhile control but not masternode themselves. From what I saw in Malta this stream makes them several million € per month alone. Nr.3. are all kinds of services like running the birake-exchange where they keep fees for each transaction.

And almost forgot Nr. 4

So all this together is much more sustainable than pure masternoding. As Steeve puts it: it all depends on the demand for coins, their use-cases and inflow of capital which of course fluctuates. But what other better market than crypto could there be a the moment  and for the future to be in?

What I found was that several clients reported that they forgot to move the slider on the right side in „Withdrawal“ inside the members-area to 100%. If you forget you always have to move funds/monthly returns into your masternoded funds by hand. So pls don’t forget. NOTE: if you want to withdraw please do so by the end of today the 15th in order to get the payout on Mach 8th.
The other day I hit on an unbelievable staking-offer on youtube.
Well, as it sounded too good to be true (and of course it was) what to do first with such an offer? Go and enter the data into your calculator    – you will easily see that you could become a millionaire within weeks even with a small amount. But if you forget to do this you should at least check all those positive comments under the video in youtube. What do you find here? all of them are empty without any history – means you can set them up yourself and write all these comments yourself and pretend all is fine although all is fake. And once you sent BNB or ETH they are gone forever. 
Even with „only“ 8% net per month still too many are afraid this sounds too good to be true. (Well, before I got used to it over the last 2 years I felt the same:-)
So I cannot condemn such views – but what I hate is people yelling scam without investing half an hour for doing their due diligence, watching videos on YT, checking the YN-homepage and my own. Reading my two audit-reports and last but not least read comments here:
Another too common mistake is to say: oh I once lost money with an offer you promoted – sure, this can happen. What did I tell such a guy who lost some money 10 years ago: Oh, I once had a bad experience with a woman, will never take a look at one again, they are all not worth it. 🙂
I still remember well March 2020 when all markets plummeted – my stubborn Spanish forex trader who did fairly well for two years kept thinking the market will soon turn around what it didn’t. So he lost 90% of the funds. So all these investors could have thought, what Juergen found in masternoding cannot be good either.
Well, quite a number of those who had lost a lot took the time to evaluate what Steve and his team offered and like myself liked it and invested. Many made back their losses by a factor of 9, 10 or even more. 
Conclusion: don’t take alone my word for it, but don’t be too lazy to do your own due diligence. With a company like YN this is easy enough. 
Is 8% the new average? As URS said in Malta: 10% cannot get reached forever, this might be true. But 150% you make with 8% per year this is still outstanding. And I find there is no point waiting until it one day might be only 7% – only if you feel better when making less. 🙂
One last word: pls check your members-area, scroll down the left side, check the audits and the mail-archive with Steve’s updates.
Looking forward to having you among the invested members soon.
Best regards
PS. just got this via skype: Joris, 13:48

haha no thank you
I don’t waste my time in scams  (Of course no one ever should 😉

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